This 3gb weekend data is for individuals that finds imei tweaking excessively troublesome not realizing that it is very simply that you will need to give up some of your valuable time much of the time before you get what you require.
Keep in mind there is additionally 4.5GB data plan on MTN which is labeled night data plan where 3gb is intended to be utilized around evening time and 1.5gb is just usable amid the day and the precarious thing MTN utilized was that the 1.5gb will be deducted first before they begin deducting from the other MB.
However, I shared a trap at some point here on the most proficient method to utilize MTN night plan both in the day and night. You can utilize the night plan data amid the day by not exchanging off your data or telephone instantly it is 5am till the entire of the day however in the event that you erroneously switch your telephone or data off, the data association will stop till in the night once more. That is only the basic trap.
At any rate that is separated, released me only straight to the point on the most proficient method to subscribe for this superb 3GB weekend data from MTN.
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