I opened my eyes slowly, my sight was kinda blurry at that moment. I heard a voice calling doctor, it was my mother’s. I couldn’t recognize or understand what was going on until a special voice called my name, then I got back to my senses and realized that i was in the hospital.
Mirabel: Victor? Can u hear me? Victor?
Me: Mirabel…
Mirabel: Hi, what happened to u? U got everyone worried
Me: What am i doing here?
The doctor walked in with my mum and my sis. The doctor examined me using his stethoscope.
Mum: How is he doctor?
Doctor: He will be fine madam, u don’t have to worry. He just need a little more rest and something solid to eat in order for him to regained his strength. I advise u get him his favorites
Mum: Okay doctor, thank u very much
Doctor: U are welcome madame
**The doctor walked away**
Mum: Nancy?
Nancy: Ma…
Mum: What can we get him?
Nancy: Errmmm… I dunno, maybe beans
Mum: Be serious, U know he dislikes beans
Mirabel: Ma, He needs fried rice and chicken with cool hollandia yoghurt, trust me
Mum: Sorry, U haven’t told me who u are
Mirabel: I’m his friend from school ma
Mum: His girlfriend i suppose
Mirabel: Ma?
Mum: **Smiling** don’t lie to me, are u guys dating or not?
Mirabel: We’re dating ma **with a coy smile**
Mum: So,,, he loves fried rice?
Mirabel: A lot ma especially with hollandia yoghurt
Mum: Woah,,, I didn’t know… I don’t really prepare it at home. Nancy, u will go and buy it,,, come take the. money
Mirabel: Don’t worry ma, I will go and get it for him.
Mum: Ok my dear
Nancy: I will go with u Aunty
Mum: You’re not going anywhere
Nancy: But mummy…
Mirabel: Please let her ma
Mum: She’s going to delay u with her talks that has no limit
Mirabel: Don’t worry ma, we’d be fast i promise
Mum: Hhmmm… okay oh…
Nancy: Thanks mummy **hugs mum** Aunty lets go lets go
-They left-
All this while i pretended to be sleeping, it wasn’t intentional though because i was so weak and sore. I opened my eyes minutes after Mirabel and Nancy left.
Mum: Victor?
Me: Ma…
Mum: How are u feeling now?
Me: Very weak
Mum: Its okay, Nancy and your, your friend went to get u something to eat. I heard u like fried rice and chicken with yoghurt, they’re going to buy them for u so u regain your strength. Don’t force yourself to talk if u can’t, u will take your medicines after u eat. Maybe u will be discharged today, that’s if u respond well. U better respond well so that u leave this place or do u want to remain here?
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I shake my head in a gesture that means no.
Mum: Good, so u better eat enough and take your medicines ok?
Me: Yes ma
Chai! My mother can talk eh… that’s why i’m not surprised about Nancy. She took after my mother, talk talk talk and talk,,, geez! I won’t lie, it really irritates me, i don’t like too much talk especially with repetitions. Imagine, if Nancy starts talking, mum would complain that she talks too much and vice versa.
**Door opens**
Nancy: I’m telling u Aunty, even when i go to the saloon its the same thing, I rememb…
Mum: Nancy! Nancy!! Ah!!!
Nancy: Mummy what nau
Mum; U talk too much, give yourself a break ah
Mirabel: How is he ma?
Mum: He’s fine, he just woke up. Victor oya seat up
Mirabel came to help me seat up. Seeing her gives me joy, i feel happy around her and forget my worries. Talking about worries, Ah! Mr. President oh… he saw the video of me kissing his daughter, i’m sooo gone. I forgot about it again when i saw Nancy shaking the hollandia yoghurt meant for me…my another source of joy.
Mirabel arranged a plate of the fried rice for me, i saw her smiling while putting it.
**Phone rings**
Mum: Its your father.
My Dad wasn’t around by that time, he travelled to Ekiti for business. She put it on speaker
Mum: Hello sir
Dad: Ab’ele? (How u doing?)
Mum: Olafia sir (Fine sir)
Dad: Abu ‘ola Victor de ajoi? (How is Victor doing now)
Mum: e da che chi me, e mo’lu ji me (its getting better, he has woken up already)
Dad: Ok, has any drug been administered to him?
Mum: Not yet, he’s about to eat now. He would do so afterwards
Dad: Alright, any outstanding payment to be made?
I knew it! If my Dad doesn’t mention the word ‘outstanding’ then he hasn’t concluded his speech yet.
Mum: We haven’t made any payment yet
Dad: Okay, u have money on u right?
Mum: Yes, but I don’t know if it would be enough
Dad: It should be enough na, afterall,,, how many treatment was carried on on him.
Mum: Okay sir
Dad: I still have a meeting tomorrow morning, so i dunno if i would be able to come tomorrow
Mum: Hhmmm… okay
Dad: Gwo ma chaka (greet them all)
Mum: Ma’a gbo (they will hear)
Dad: Ok bye
Mum: byee…
Nancy: Daddy byee
Dad: Ok bye, is it Nancy?
Nancy: Yes sir
Dad: Ab’ele (how are u?)
Nancy: Fine sir
Dad: Take care eh… I will be home soon
Nancy: Ok Dad, byee…
Dad: Alright
**Hangs up**
I trust my Dad but sometimes i couldn’t help but suspect if he’s doing it out there. By ‘doing it’ u should know what i mean.
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