Tutorial: How To Root Android 5.1 Lollipop with Kingroot vs 4.8.0

Have you been trying to root your android phone running on Android version 5.1? And you haven't succeeded yet. Don't worry, am here with something that'll work well for you. It's kingroot, the latest version 4.8. I rooted my Gionee m3 mini today with the app in just a few minutes. I'll show you how to do the same with Kingroot vs 4.8
About kingroot one click rooting app m
As you all know that Kingroot is one of the best rooting tool for Android device released by Kingroot Developers and it's free to download and use by anyone , now you can root almost compatible device with Kingroot Android APk.I'll give you download link for kingroot vs 4.8.0. This is the latest version 4.8.0 and a lot of fixes was done.
If you’ve been finding it difficult to root your android devices or you just detest flashing TWRP recovery on your Android, then you definitely need to try this latest version of kingroot cause it successfully rooted Infinix Hot note pro 5.1.
Also Read: How To Add Recycle Bin In Your Android Phone
New Features of Kingroot vs 4.8.0
1. Focus more attention on keeping your device safe after root
2. New function to increase system running speed with one click
3. Enhance quality of app, new user interface and new experience
4. Fix some bugs.
You definitely need to give this latest version a super shot.
Time to download the high rated rooting app
Where Can I Download it?
Download it http://www.datafilehost.com/d/21c44366
How to Root Android phone of vs 5.1 with the latest kingroot vs 4.8.0
Its as simple as ever, just install the app and launch it. It'll detect your phone then proceed to root it. As it's rooting, it'll be giving you some tips to keep you company! How wonderful.
It'll take about 2 minutes but before too long, your phone should be rooted and you'll have Admin rights over your phone, system apps and all that.
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