So, here is how I met my Ex-husband
Let me not romanticize it. It wasn’t in some mall or social event or all those nice places. I looked tired and drawn, and felt like shit the night he walked in, stood over my bed, smiled and said,
“Hi, my name is (okay name withheld), and I’m going to be your nurse for the night. Let me know if you need anything or have any complaints.”
But that is not important. What matters is I noticed him. And as sick as I was, probably dying and in need of a last confession, I felt warm inside. Inside my stomach, don’t think too far down. Yes! He was too cute to be true, and for a moment I wondered if I had started seeing the light. You know, maybe all along that light at the end of that tunnel is subjective to every dying individual.
Well, it wasn’t “the light”. It was a mortal man, and God have mercy, he was fine! I attempted a smile but it only ended in me wincing because I had the grandparents of all headaches and my face felt tight.
“Sorry my dear, you’re going to be fine soon, don’t worry”
Why, this voice can do things to me!I thought, and well I wasn’t too surprised I was thinking that. It was a far subtler version of what would have popped in my head first, had it been a perfectly normal night.
So after that first impression, my night nurse had found his way into my thoughts and was playing games with me. Sure, they were games I was willing to play but definitely not in my head. There was a bigger play ground outside of my dreams.
I laid there for close to an hour, fantasizing, till he walked in again, with a steel tray upon which my HIV drugs for the night were displayed.
“Sorry to disturb you,”
He said and smiled.
“No problem,”
I whispered. But in my head,—What took you so long?!—
He pulled my bedside stool closer, sat down and took my right hand in his.
“This is going to hurt a little bit,”
He soothed and started pushing the liquid through the line fastened to the back of my palm. I winced again and he proceeded to rub his thumb over my wrist over and over again, while saying “Sorry, sorry, sorry” in that completely sinful voice. I was ready to pass out.
My eyes closed voluntarily and I let my mind go. The rubbing motion was doing all sorts of things to me and I had to restrain myself from moaning.
“Are you asleep?”
He asked. I hadn’t noticed he was done. He smiled again and asked if I was ok.
“Oh, sweetheart you’re going to be fine.”
“Can you sit by me for a while?”
“Sure, why not?”
And so he discarded the used syringes, cotton wool and gloves and sat next to me; my night nurse. We talked. About mundane stuff, then about private stuff and then I actually smiled without wincing.
“You have a beautiful smile.”
I died a little and smiled again.
“Thank you. Can you please help me get out of bed? I’m tired of lying down”
He helped me sit up, placed his hand gently on my back and helped me to my feet. I was standing, directly in front of him, a few inches away from his face, and I started to feel dizzy. It was the temptation. It was just too strong. I clutched my head and sighed.
“Maybe you should lie back down. You are not ready for this.”
I really wanted to kiss him but in-between the headache and the overwhelming temptation I knew I just had to lie back down.
And thus the rest of the night passed, uneventful. The dream though was…okay let’s leave that for another day.
Now let me not mince words or beat around the bush. By dawn, when I woke up, the pain meds had left me painless and much stronger but I was so terribly turned on by the sight of my night nurse still seated, though asleep, by my side. I sat up in bed and coughed slightly. He woke up and smiled.
“I would like to take my bath but I’d need some help.”
“Okay, I’ll go get one of the ladies to come help you.”
I was initially disappointed in him but I was determined to make the morning go my way.
“No. That’s ok. I just need you to help me to the bathroom that’s all.”
So he did. But this time when his hand fell onto my waist I couldn’t keep back the moan. He looked at me and smiled.God!I whispered.
We took slow steps to the bathroom and he lowered me gently onto the edge of the tub and turned to leave.
“Please don’t go.”
I whispered again, and he stopped. By then I had slipped one hand out of my night dress and I knew one breast was almost totally exposed. He cleared his throat and I could see his Adam’s apple move up then down and for the love of me, I moaned again. This time the look in his eyes changed. He stepped closer and placed his hand on my bare shoulder. I kept my eyes on his face, making sure he saw clearly how much I wanted him. I slipped the other hand out of my dress and it fell down to my waist. He sucked in his breath and let out a very weak “No”.
I took his hand and cupped it over my left breast and started to work it in gentle circles. He stepped even closer and pulled me up.
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